Инстаграм дня. Король плюс-сайза, который весит 184 килограмма

Аккаунт тридцатилетнего американца Аркадио дель Валле — пример здорового бодипозитива. Модель носит размер XXXXXL, но это не мешает ему участвовать в спецпроекте от Calvin Klein или дефилировать на известных показах.

История популярности Аркадио похожа на сказку: в 2015 мужчина завел инстаграм, где публиковал модные луки, а уже в 2016 его заметил французский бренд Volare, который создает уличную одежду больших размеров. Вместе с компанией дель Валле участвовал в показе New York Fashion Week — с тех пор профиль модели вырос до девяти тысяч фолловеров.

В инстаграме Аркадио поддерживает тех, кто стесняется своего веса: «Я хочу, чтобы модельные агентства и бренды увидели, что мы — большие парни — ничем не хуже других. Моя цель — доказать, что можно быть крутым при любом размере».

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Happy Valentines Day❤️. • • I know this is a day that’s lonely for some or hard for some as cheesy as it sounds. We all long for companionship and for someone to like or love us and enjoy a day like today with someone by our side. I believe there is someone for everyone some may take longer to find them some sooner. Today celebrate yourself, your friendships and loved ones. Just because we are single doesn’t mean we aren’t wanted, we just have something more special that’s meant for us. Trust me I wish i was being taken out to the Cheesecake Factory🤣. • • • #BigAndTall #streetfashion #streetstyle #urbanfashion #malemodel #mensfashion #beardgang #beardporn #malefashion #bigmensfashion #bigandtallmodel #gay #gaymen #Instagay #malestyle #fashion #fatshion #plussizemalemodel #plussizemodel #effyourbeautystandards #brawn #plussizemenswear #plusmenrevolution #brawnsquad #BodyPositivity #WLYG #celebratemysize

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#NoMakeupTuesdays • • I don’t need makeup to make me feel better or confident, I’m still me with or without it. This is how I show up to castings, photoshoots and still get booked thank God, and run my weekend errands, this is how my family and friends know me. No shame, don’t ask why I wear makeup or it’s too much or unnatural, I’m not wearing it for you I wear it for me because I like it, I like that extra glow ✨ooh and a good brow 🤷🏻‍♂️. • In other words people your flaws, those scars, pigmentation or whatever it is, is what makes you beautiful and makes you, YOU. • • #BigAndTall #streetfashion #streetstyle #urbanfashion #malemodel #mensfashion #beardgang #beardporn #malefashion #bigmensfashion #bigandtallmodel #gay #gaymen #Instagay #malestyle #fashion #fatshion #plussizemalemodel #plussizemodel #effyourbeautystandards #brawn #plussizemenswear #plusmenrevolution #brawnsquad #BodyPositivity #WLYG #celebratemysize

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This was my 4th runway show in one year, I still don’t know how I’ve made it this far, but I’m riding this bull to the end. People believe in me and see my purpose and how I’m helping represent, I hope to make the best of each opportunity and not disappoint the people that have my back and are rooting for me, will give my 100% or more always. • • PhotoCred: @xltribe • • Wearing: @mvp_usa • • PS: I know I talk about this a lot but you have no idea how hard and what I’ve gone through to get to this point. Something I’m proud of. • • #BigAndTall #streetfashion #streetstyle #urbanfashion #malemodel #mensfashion #beardgang #beardporn #malefashion #bigmensfashion #bigandtallmodel #gay #gaymen #malestyle #fashion #fatshion #plussizemalemodel #plussizemodel #effyourbeautystandards #brawn #plussizemenswear #plusmenrevolution #brawnsquad #BodyPositivity #WLYG #celebratemysize

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#TBT I think I posted another one of these when I was in NYC. Me and @marquimode took like 10 shots that day lol. Met this amazing soul just once and he was one of many of the coolest and nicest person I met that day. I'm such a lush when I meet new people that are nice and accepting I'm like a kid, those who I made friends with that day probably know that haha such a geek i know. 🤓 #MensFashion #BigAndTall #streetfashion #streetstyle #urbanfashion #malemodel #mensfashion #bear #gay #gaymen #beard #beardgang #beardporn #malefashion #bigmensfashion #bigandtallmodel #malestyle #fashion #fatshion #plussizemalemodel #plussizemodel #effyourbeautystandards #bigandblunt #brawn #plussizemenswear #plusmenrevolution #brawnsquad #BodyPositivity #CelebrateMySize

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