Пользовательница твиттера запустила тред, в котором показала, как выглядят корги, скрещенные с представителями других пород: от маламута до чихуахуа. Все собаки очень милые — только взгляните на корги-ротвейлера или корги-сенбернара!
Your regular reminder that a corgi crossed with any other breed just ends up looking like a corgi disguised as the other dog.
Dalmatian pic.twitter.com/rztl7RyCT8
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Husky pic.twitter.com/GS8OYaU9r4
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
German Shepherd pic.twitter.com/CzymTPeGId
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Rottweiler pic.twitter.com/e5Xxjr6xhZ
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Tibetan mastiff pic.twitter.com/z0KKLBIyvt
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Newfoundland (!!!) pic.twitter.com/6qwipHMsOt
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Sheltie pic.twitter.com/LqdAtKNiSu
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 18, 2020
Chihuahua pic.twitter.com/IMs1C9sLGo
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 18, 2020
Golden Retriever pic.twitter.com/MLQNjI3chf
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020
Australian Shepherd pic.twitter.com/hR6DV1pR01
— 🦇🎃 spookachu 🎃👻 (@soapachu) October 17, 2020